Research in Moldova

Encourage research and development and fostering a stable innovation climate represents a top priority for the social-economic development of the Republic of Moldova. The implementation of “knowledge triangle” – education-research-innovation - is imperative for the country’s development mainstreaming.

Accordingly, the state policy in the field of science and innovation is carried out by the Academy of Science of Moldova, the highest scientific forum of the country that represents the only public institution of national interest in the field of science and innovation being the plenipotentiary coordinator of the scientific and innovation activity.

The Academy of Sciences of Moldova develops its activity according to the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, the Code on Science and Innovation, the Partnership Agreement with the Government of the country, its Statute and other legislative and normative documents.

A peculiar attention is paid to broadening and diversifying the cooperation with all universities, ministries and other relevant institutions on the grounds of agreements of collaboration. 

The Academy of Sciences of Moldova actively promotes issues such as smart and sustainable growth, social transformations, social innovation and creativity as well as the mutual exchange of experience with foreign researchers, achieving a transparent and open research market for researchers.

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